Wednesday, October 03, 2007

dissertation frustration #472

here's a poem i wrote recently. i couldn't get the indenting to come out as i wanted, so it doesn't look quite right. but you get the idea.

dissertation frustration #472

which of us has not thought
that the mind of the analytic philosopher
is as insipid as it is precise,

his demanded clarity
a fog obscuring our human life,

his pen a razor-
not for separating soul from spirit, joint from marrow-
but concept from concept
and yet, for all its sharpness,
all that distinguishes his distinctions is their dullness:
their persistent ability to provoke a shrug, and
the sense that the important thing has somehow been missed,
that all this makes no difference
or, worse,
is uninnocent distraction?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Entertaining poem, Micahnator.
You needs post more often!

5:38 AM  
Blogger Nathan L Hollenbeck said...


Speaking of dissertations, are you the author of the article, "Reasonably Traditional" responding to Ms. Herdt on MacIntyre?

I've been trying to get ahold of that article because it's vital for my own personal research.

Would you mind emailing it to me?

Thanks so much,


5:43 AM  

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